"Eclipse expert extinguishes expectations", "Upcoming Halloween Party"

Eclipse expert extinguishes expectations

Reporter: Club Penguin Times is here with an important announcement from Gary the Gadget Guy! Gary, according to rumors, you've got bad news about the yearly Halloween eclipse. What's the scoop?
Gary: I hate to break bad news, but I've checked my astronomical equipment, and I don't believe an eclipse will be happening this year.
Reporter: By Rockhopper's Beard! SAY IT AIN'T SO GARY!
Gary: Umm... I should get back to work.
Reporter: You heard it here first folks. Will this Halloween be more sunny than spooky? Check back next week for more details.


Upcoming Halloween Party

It's October, and the island is very busy ordering and spreading decorations. As some of you may know, several Halloween costumes have recently arrived to the Gift Shop. This year, count with frankenpenguins, crazy scientists, ladybugs and much more!

Not much is known of what to expect for this party. "But for now, we can guarantee that there will be many free items, the screening of the classic "The Night of The Living Sled" series and certain «spooky adventures»", said one of the members of the Party Committee.
